1 Timothy 4:12
It is the desire of God to employ men and women of integrity, purity of heart, clearness of mind and a strong and earnest devotion to His work. He is looking for young men and women who will bear the Cross of Christ, without complaint and without contempt, servants who will trust and obey. Servants who will lay down their lives for the Cause of Christ.
It is the purpose of this blog to encourage, to teach, to inspire the sons and daughters of God, in their walk with Him. It is true that these are dangerous times, times in which we must 'hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering' (Hebrews 10:23), for the devil knows that he has but a short time. Therefore we have created this blog, a miniguide and flashlight to teach others about the Sword of the Spirit and the Lamp of God. My prayer is that we all learn about the goodness and splendour of God's love and mercy for us all in the Man of Jesus Christ.
Please enjoy and may the Spirit of God accompany and lead us all on this narrow and straight path.
LiFE Ministries Team